Long Beach tummy tuck and abdominoplasty expert, Dr. Farbod Esmailian discusses the effects of diabetes and if it is safe to have a tummy tuck procedure if you are a diabetic.
Diabetes affects the circulation, in particular to blood flow to the small arteries and vessels. During a Long Beach tummy tuck and abdominoplasty procedure, a lot of the blood supply to the overlying skin is interrupted to raise the skin so that it can be pulled and tightened. Once the procedure is complete, the overlying skin of the abdomen is soley relying on tiny blood vessels to help it heal. Diabetes decreases the blood supply through these vessels and if the diabetes is uncontrolled, wound healing is affected.
Therefore, to help identify those patients that can undergo a Long Beach tummy tuck procedure, we check a few things to see if they are good candidates for elective plastic or cosmetic surgery. The first is to make certain that the individuals blood sugar is well controlled on a daily basis and that the blood surgar is kept at 120 or below at any given check. Secondly, we look at the HbA1c, which is a marke of how well the blood surgars have been kept during a 3 month span. HbA1c level of 6 or less is desirable to undergo a plastic surgery procedure.
To see if you are a candidate for a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure, you may contact our Orange County plastic surgery office at 562.655.8071. Dr. Esmailian provides complimentary cosmetic surgery consultations.